ISLAMABAD: The final announcement regarding to Hajj 2020 is most likely to be made immediately after Eid-ul-Fitr. According to the details, according to sources in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, in view of the situation of Corona virus epidemic all over the world, including Saudi Arabia. The rest of the world was instructed to suspend all Hajj agreements for the time being.The final decision regarding Hajj will be taken in consultation with important Islamic countries.
According to sources, the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Hajj has to make a decision regarding Hajj on the 15th of Ramadan 2020 but this decision has not been announced yet due to some problems. The Saudi government has given holidays from 21 Ramadan unto 8 Shawwal after Eid-ul-Fitr. Therefore, it is most expected that the final decision on whether or not to perform Hajj this year is likely to be made immediately after Eid-ul-Fitr, taking into account the Corona virus situation.According to sources, the announcement is likely to be made by the Saudi government on Shawwal 7.
According to some sources, the designed quota for Hajj abroad will be limited. Buildings will not be allowed in Azizia. One of the shrines in Makkah near Kaaba Three-star, four-star and five-star residences and hotels will be allowed around 1,000 to 1,200 meters from Kaaba. Hajj is not likely to be held on a large scale this year like usual. The Ministry of Religious Affairs has also contacted the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Hajj and questioned whether there will be a Hajj this year or not or what arrangements are being made under these circumstances. Saudi Arabia authority has told the government that it is monitoring the situation in this pandemic.Officials regarding this at the Ministry of Religious Affairs say they are in constant contact with Saudi Arabia over these situations. Arrangements for Hajj will be made as soon as possible as per SOPs. If one person is allowed to stay in one room in each hotel Hajj will be expensive. Officials of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Saudia further said that if Hajj is decided after Ramadan, emergency arrangements will must have to be made. If it is decided to perform Hajj after Ramadan, everyone will have less time for arrangements.