Mumbai: Sashant Singh Rajput was undergoing treatment for depression, Bollywood suicide actor Sashant Singh Rajput's friend Sudhir Chaudhary said that according to documents, the actor was suffering from depression and his He committed suicide while undergoing treatment. Sudhir Chaudhry termed the news of Shashant Singh Rajput's suicide as shocking and sad, saying that the news had shaken him. It may be recalled that today famous Bollywood actor Shashant Singh Rajput has committed suicide at his residence. The trapped body of 34-year-old Shashant Singh Rajput was found at his residence in Mumbai. He broke down the door of the room and took his body out of the trap.
According to Indian media, Sashant's body was recovered from his residence in Bandra area of Mumbai. According to Mumbai Police, a preliminary investigation has revealed that Sashant Singh Rajput committed suicide due to depression, however, further investigation is underway. According to Hindustan Times, Sashant Singh Rajput committed suicide at his residence in the presence of friends. I locked myself up and allegedly committed suicide. It may be recalled that Shashant Singh's last film was released in 2019 under the name 'Chhachhoori' which caused a stir at the box office. After the lockdown, another of his films 'Dil Bechara' was to come. Earlier, Shashant Singh has also played the lead role in a film based on the famous Indian cricketer MS Dhoni. The actor's suicide came just two days after his manager, Desha Salin, 28, was found dead at his residence.