Jogging or running is a great form of exercise for your overall health. Running is an exercise that has many health benefits, from better sleep to stronger heart and better mental health.
Running is an exercise that is very effective in terms of losing weight - running burns calories and fat in your body - how many calories are lost depends on your weight and the intensity of the exercise. - But running a mile usually burns 100 calories - if you want to lose weight, include running with balanced and healthy foods in your life.
You may feel your brain clear and tension-free when you start running - this is because when you run your blood flow increases which starts to release good chemicals into your brain. For example, dopamine - a chemical that helps you fight stress - has been shown in a study to reduce your risk of developing depression by 26% if you run daily.
There are many reasons why exercise can help you get a good night's sleep. For example, physical activity releases serotonin, which helps to establish regular waking and sleeping times. Regular exercise also improves slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep, which allows your brain and body to rejuvenate overnight.
Running makes your heart pump and blood flow faster and as a result your heart becomes stronger and more efficient. If you include running in your daily life, it protects your heart health for a long time - this exercise reduces the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by 45%.
Some researchers have found a positive link between race and longevity. A study by the British General of Sports in 2019 found that running reduced the risk of premature death by 27% and the risk of dying from cancer by 23%.