Due to continuous financial loss, the patience of the PSL franchisees has been overwhelmed, they are not happy with the PCB for not complying with the demands. They have written a letter to CEO Wasim Khan asking him to resolve the issue. He also demanded an immediate meeting of the governing council.
According to the details, Pakistan Super League is 5 years old but despite its apparent success, the event is facing administrative problems. In particular, the new PCB management seems to have failed to handle it, with team owners constantly complaining but the authorities listening to them from one ear to the other, and the team owners who pay the board about ً 15 million a year. Unlike in the past, for the first time they came together on an issue and wrote a joint letter to PCB CEO Wasim Khan and put forward a list of demands. According to sources, the PCB decided to set a dollar rate for the fee. Hired a company providing audit, tax and advisory services.

It fixed the rate at around Rs 51 for Multan and around Rs 120 per quintal for Quetta, keeping in view the lower and higher fees and equal profit from Central Pool. The same happened with other teams, but the PCB unilaterally rejected the decision. Diya, without asking the franchisees himself, said that the company's proposals are not correct, the board has set a dollar rate for the title sponsor and the broadcaster, after which some teams were issued separate notices to pay the dues. The initial share from PSL 5's Central Income Pool was due in May but no progress has been made in this regard. It was justified that there are still a few matches left in the event after which the calculations will be finalized. The point is, franchises are already being reminded of the next edition of the bank guarantee in July or August. Team owners object that they are not consulted on marketing, ticketing and other strategies. Opinions are not consulted on other important matters, franchises have 10 years of ownership rights.

They demand that it be increased to 30 or more because they have made their team a brand. Many months have passed since the last meeting of the Governing Council, and an urgent meeting was also demanded, the franchisee said. It is said that the bank guarantee for the fee was taken when there was a lack of trust, now it is 5 years, so this process should be ended and the fee should be taken directly before the event. Remember that last year the board gave the bank guarantee. It was not taken but this condition was put again for next year. Under former chairman Najam Sethi, PSL was promised to become a separate company.
The franchises have also called for it to be met. Recently, a new 15% tax was imposed and demanded to be abolished. Team owners have termed these issues as detrimental to the future of the league. Demanding replacement, it was said that no team has benefited from it in 5 years. According to sources, the board has sent letters to some teams to pay the dues of the 5th edition but to give share from Central Pool. The event has been postponed, allowing it to be incomplete.